We make sure our clients have all the information they need professionally assembled as quickly as possible. Our clients receive well-organized, detailed reports with the results from their tastings weekly or real-time. Reports include bottle stock, prices, sales, feedback, and other information that allow our clients to make the best decisions for their brands. Reports also include model feedback, account feedback, and pictures from the events.
Clients can have these reports professionally compiled and sent to them each week, or we can provide them a log-in so they can access their reports real-time. Having the best systems in place ensures our clients get the best possible service before, during, and after their tastings.
During an event valuable information and insights are gained from your consumers. We realize the value of our clients being able to access and capitalize on this data. Select Promotions has designed, developed, and implemented it’s own entirely custom-engineered Recap and Reporting System.
Select Promotions & Models goes through an extensive search and screening process for each model hired. We review a large number of applicants and referrals, and meet with multiple potential candidates for each hire. We take it a step further and actively recruit top potential talent. It takes a great amount of time and effort to be as selective as we are, but the result is quality that sets us apart from our competitors and more importantly, our clients’ competitors.
Select Promotions & Models takes training and preparation seriously. Each model must individually train and study on each brand they represent. We take steps beyond the status quo to ensure our models have a high level of knowledge on each product. Our models are able to speak of your product or business intelligently, ensuring a positive, accurate, and impactful representation of your brand to your target demographic.